Contact Information:
Phone 408-942-6888 x332
DeAnza College, A.A , Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2014
Community Activities:
Volunteer with Health Trust/Meals on Wheels – Driver delivering meals to elderly, underserved and disabled communities since 2013.
St. Baldrick’s Foundation – Shaved my head to stand in solidarity and fundraise for kids with cancer.
What challenge have you faced that has proved to be the most rewarding?
The most rewarding challenge I’ve faced was raising my younger sister. It’s been a complete honor raising and watching her grow into the amazing person she is.
What quality do you value in the workplace?
I value dedication, inclusivity, diversity, communication, comradery and shared goals. I believe all these values aid in fostering a cohesive working environment where we can all learn from each other and widen our scope of knowledge.
What is your dream vacation?
I would love to eat my way through Europe and Japan. Traveling by train to soak up the scenery and experience the culture of many different cities.